A Present State of Physical Education to Action of Martial Arts in Koryo 체육사 : 고려시대(高麗時代) 무예활동(武藝活動)에 대한 역사적(歷史的) 이해(理解)
이윤근LeeYoon-Keun , 한재덕HanJae-Duk
37(1) 9-17, 1998
A Present State of Physical Education to Action of Martial Arts in Koryo 체육사 : 고려시대(高麗時代) 무예활동(武藝活動)에 대한 역사적(歷史的) 이해(理解)
이윤근LeeYoon-Keun , 한재덕HanJae-Duk
The purpose of this study is to present how action of physical education connected with it according to a social position on a class structure and it changed what action of martial arts in Koryo. The conclusion of this study as follow;
A present state of physical education connected with the social structure and action of martial arts in Koryo Ages was related to a class structure. In social structure including strict position, training of martial arts was activated to good citizenry(Ryang In) and military grope for standing upturn by act as a opportunity.
The martial arts, a dimension as nurture of government officials, keep up educational ideology for the whole man by upbringing to have both literary and military. A martial feature as a fundamental attainment of the ruling classes was continued to exist equally at former ages, and the all officials including King behave themselves martial training(archery), and Kang Moo as military training institutionalized uniformly.
Kuk Koo, Soo Bak, Archery down as ancient martial arts gradually seasoned with competitive and playful factors. Therefore, natural significance of martial arts get discolored, and was formed to divert martial arts to inspective arts in nobility.
A present state of physical education throughout Koryo was the main current of knight physical education equally former ages, somewhat came out competitive factors in martial arts the all.
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Physical View Appeared in Myths of Shilra 체육사 : 신라(新羅) 신화(神話)에 비춰진 신체관(身體觀)
주동진JooDong-Jin , 김동규KimDong-Kyoo
37(1) 18-34, 1998
Physical View Appeared in Myths of Shilra 체육사 : 신라(新羅) 신화(神話)에 비춰진 신체관(身體觀)
주동진JooDong-Jin , 김동규KimDong-Kyoo
This study examined the physical view of Shilra people through myths in those days. Ilyon who had written Samkukyusa, memorabila of the three kingdoms, showed that myths of Shilra were fictions. According to his explanation, however, the reason that he wrote the Samkukyusa was because Shilra people strongly believed those myths. That reflects ideas of Shilra people indirectly. Three myths of Shilra, Hyuckeose, Talhae and Alji were stories about originators of royal families. When they came into the world, their body were holy. That was a shamanistic physical view. Myths of Shilra were made at the times of foundation of kingdom. Therefore, the physical view of Shilra myths was existed at the early days of Shilra. The results of the study were summarized as follows; 1) The founder(King) had a holy body that was different from commoners, 2) Embodiment of founder can be seen as an idea of humanism, 3) Curious and supernatural expression on physical body can mean that they worshiped their king through physical body, 4) Evaluation of mind from physical viewpoint can be an idea of the mind-body monoism, and 5) Myth of founder with holy body was followed by legend of people, that can mean that the physical view of myths was spreaded in the stratum of society.
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Sport and Environment - Groping for Ethical Principle toward Co-Existence - 체육철학 : 스포츠와 환경(環境) - 공존(共存)을 위한 윤리적(倫理的) 이념(理念) 모색(摸索) -
37(1) 37-49, 1998
Sport and Environment - Groping for Ethical Principle toward Co-Existence - 체육철학 : 스포츠와 환경(環境) - 공존(共存)을 위한 윤리적(倫理的) 이념(理念) 모색(摸索) -
Conflict between sport and (natural) environment have gone too far. While sport- followers who lost their stands in urban area are rushing to unpolluted space by all means, anti-pollution advocates desperately struggling to hinder the invasion of sport to nature. In this context, we have a responsibility to solve this contradiction for co-existence of sport and nature. But it is not easy to solve because problem between sport and environment is as much tangled with other complicated things as general environment problem. Therefore the way toward solution should be multi-dimentional. More importantly, it is urgent for us to build a philosophical principle that would support ail the efforts to solve that problem. There have been 2 ethical principles; anthropocentrism and echocentrism. But both ideas reject equality of human being and nature although co-existence in true meaning is supposed to be on equal relationship. So under the conclusion that 2 existing principles above mentioned are inappropriate for ethical principle toward co-existence of sport (spokesman for man's desire) and environment (spokesman for nature’s desire), I suggest "the third way" in this paper which sublate the sport and the environment dialectically.
This paper aims to examine Jahn’s Turnen exercise training methods by revealing his main thought expressed in his book Die Deutsche Turnkunst. His specific exercise focused on gymnastics, helping German youths cultivate the will for reunification and patriotism, can be summed up as follows:
1. The Turnen exercise was nothing but Jahn’s strong will to realize German independence, racial liberation, and spiritual reorganization through its extraordinary emphasis on the complete sense of community.
2. Jahn’s Turnen exercise contained such a variety as walking, running, jumping, wooden horse play, balance, horizontal bars, parallel bars, mountain climbing, throwing, pulling, lifting, carrying, extension, fighting, rolling, and rope jumping. In short, his exercise was gymnastics as an important means of educating German people. As a natural result, it has had many effects on today’s track and field events, recreation, mountaineering and so on.
3. Under strict rules of gymnastics, the participants in the Turnen exercise enjoyed themselves somewhat freely through the gymnastic school’s training methods and period as well as social gathering programs.
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Sport Ethics : Social Ethics Approach and Its Significance 체육철학 : 스포츠 윤리의 사회윤리학적 접근과 의의
37(1) 58-69, 1998
Sport Ethics : Social Ethics Approach and Its Significance 체육철학 : 스포츠 윤리의 사회윤리학적 접근과 의의
The fast developing society of today causes a lot of problems related to sport ethics. Ethical problems in sport are ones such as tricking, cheating, doping, etc. how are we to solve these sports ethics problems? Just emphasizing sportsmanship by personal ethics approach can not solve the basic problems, a athletics ethical judgement comes from a personal and social side. so in this article, in order to recover sports ethics, personal and social ethics approach have been used balanceable In order to do this, the characteristics of personal and social approach must be distinguished to find a solution to these problems. The social ethics approach mentioned here not only deals with the individual athletes but also problems evolving from the sports itself. So on this problems the means of the article is to solve sports ethics problems by using a social ethics approach.
Many sports ethicists try to solve the ethical problems of sport by improving one`s moral talents and developing them. Ethical problems evolving from talents can not be solved with only an individual ethical approach, but also along with a social ethics approach. But here, it doesn`t mean to distinguish the domains of individual and social ethics, but it distinguish two approaches. The ethical problems presented in sports such as doping, cheating, fouls do not evolve from only one`s moral decision. But structural problems like these cannot be solved by a high moral level of the individual and social approach must be used balanceable. so we can see that problems was we tried to solve the ethical problems with only an individual ethical approach. so to get over this we must use the individual and social ethical approach balanceable to solve the ethical problems of sports.
But what we must be careful about is that too much emphasis of moral consciousness can lead to moral fantasies and sentimental moralism, and if we only proceed the sports system. We can become system omnipotent, which is why the ideal balance of social and individual ethics is the only way to solve the ethical problems of contemporary sports.
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The Relationships between Sport Condition and Sport Consciousness, Sport behaviours of Youth 스포츠 사회학 : 청소년의 스포츠 조건과 의식 및 행동의 관계
The purposes of this study is to examine the relationships between sport condition and such as sport attitudes, sport beliefs and norm beliefs, and types of sport consciousness and sport behaviors.
Data collected through a questionnaire designed for this study consist of fixed-alternative choice response to items constructed to represent the operational definition for each variable. The inventory was administered to 2,204 male and female, middle and high school students.
Statistics employed for data analyses were discriminant analysis, and ANOVA.
Based upon the results of the study, the following conclusions appear warranted:
Firstly, Sport condition is crucial discriminant variable which explained sport consciousness.
Secondly, The more positive attitude toward sport have, the longer duration of sport is Those who have high level of positive attitude toward sport more frequently involve in sport than those of middle and lower level of positive attitude toward sport, adolescents those who have middle level of positive attitude toward sport show higher intensity sport involvement. Those who have high level of positive beliefs in sport more frequently involve in sport than those of middle and lower level of positive beliefs in sport, those who have middle level of sport beliefs show higher intensity sport involvement.
Those who have A and B typed sport conscious more frequently involve in sport than those of C type and D and E type, those who have C typed sport consciousness show higher duration and intensity sport involvement.
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Influences on the Views of Value in Sport based on the Background of Socio-demography of Middle and High School Students 스포츠 사회학 : 중, 고등학생의 사회인구학적 변인이 스포츠 가치관에 미치는 영향
김홍설KimHong-Seol , 김우성KimWoo-Sung
37(1) 85-94, 1998
Influences on the Views of Value in Sport based on the Background of Socio-demography of Middle and High School Students 스포츠 사회학 : 중, 고등학생의 사회인구학적 변인이 스포츠 가치관에 미치는 영향
김홍설KimHong-Seol , 김우성KimWoo-Sung
The purpose of this study is to investigate influences on the views of value in sport based on the background of socio-demography of middle and high school students
Concretely, the purpose of this study is to investigate influences of middle and high school students’ socio-demography background on the views of value in sport of subordinate variables, that is theoretical value of sport, aesthetic value of sport, economical of sport, social value of sport, political value of sport, religious value of sport based on the background of socio-demography of middle and high school students of subordinate variables, that is independent variables the sex, income, academic career of parents of middle and high school students To perform this study, 734 middle and high school students were represented in Seoul. Analysis of the da的 was done by analysis of t-test, oneway ANOVA, using the statistical package.
A questionnaire designed for this study is based on Allport(1960), Lee(1981)’s study with the purpose of examining the influences on the views of value in sport.
Based upon the result of the study, the following conclusions appear warranted :
First, the background of sex influences on the views of value in sport
Second, the background of income influences on the views of value in sport
Third, the background of academic career of parents influences on the views of value in sport
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The Influence of Involvement in sport for All Program on Leisure flow Experience, Leisure Satisfaction, and Life Satisfaction among Adults 스포츠 사회학 : 생활체육 참가가 여가몰입, 여가만족, 생활만족에 미치는 영향
이제흥LeeJae-Hong , 임종호LimJong-Ho , 백광BaikKwang
37(1) 95-104, 1998
The Influence of Involvement in sport for All Program on Leisure flow Experience, Leisure Satisfaction, and Life Satisfaction among Adults 스포츠 사회학 : 생활체육 참가가 여가몰입, 여가만족, 생활만족에 미치는 영향
이제흥LeeJae-Hong , 임종호LimJong-Ho , 백광BaikKwang
The primary purpose of this study was to probe the influence of involvement in sport for all program on leisure flow experience, leisure satisfaction, and life satisfaction among adults.
The subjects of this study were sampled 600 involvers in sport for all program
The data collected questionnaire designed for this study were consisted of responses to items constructed to represent each variable.
For data analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, multiple regression and path analysis were employed.
The major findings obtained from this study were following.
There existed significant casual relationship among involvement in sport for all program of leisure flow experience, leisure satisfaction, and life satisfaction. It was also found that involvement in sport for all program of adults facilitated the leisure flow experience, leisure satisfaction, it finally leaded to life satisfaction.
Based upon these findings and within limitations of this study, it was concluded that involvement in sport for all program of adults would increase the leisure flow experience, leisure satisfaction and these increasement finally would influence individual`s overall life satisfaction.
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The Effect of the Job Satisfaction of Physical Education Teachers on the Pro-Social Behavior 스포츠 사회학 : 체육교사의 직무만족이 친사회적 행동에 미치는 영향
37(1) 105-117, 1998
The Effect of the Job Satisfaction of Physical Education Teachers on the Pro-Social Behavior 스포츠 사회학 : 체육교사의 직무만족이 친사회적 행동에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to improve the effects of physical education for making clear casual relations between job satisfaction and pro-social behaviors of middle and highschool physical education teachers under the assumption of the higher satisfaction teacher show the higher pro-social behavior.
The path model of this study includes the 7 variables of human relation, administration system, business, job condition, reward system, enhancing professionality, and recognition status as antecedents that have effects on the pro-social behavior directly or indirecctly through the overall satisfaction. Overall satisfacion was regarded as an intervenient and earring the effects influenced by the antecedents to the pro-social behavior.
This study surveyed all of physical educators of middle and high schools in Pusan but 491 from them were analyzed for study. Self-reported questionnaires were used to measure the degree of job satisfaction and pro-social behavior through mail investigation. The two-way ANOVA and multiregression through the SAS were utilized for analysis of data, concluding as follows:
According to the personal trait and background of physical eduactor, the significant differences of job satisfaction and pro-social behavior were showed.
Through the path analysis of study model, recognion status, business, enhancing professionality, and overall satisfaction affected , in turn, significantly on prosocial behavior and, the relationship between job satisfaction and prosocial behavior kept positive in order on the variables that affect the pro-social behaviors of the physical education teachers.
Thus, the hightening of recognition status, business, enhancing professionality, and overall satisfaction shoud be concerned to promote the high effects of physical education.
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The Effects of Instructions and Movement Reversals on the Accuracy and Kinematics of a Rapid Sequential Tapping Movement
Kim Kyoung-nae
37(1) 121-132, 1998
The Effects of Instructions and Movement Reversals on the Accuracy and Kinematics of a Rapid Sequential Tapping Movement
Kim Kyoung-nae
The present study was designed to investigate the effects of task objectives and constrains on the kinematic properties of a rapid sequential movement. Subjects were required to move a stylus from a home position to successively land on three targets. The movement was uni-directional or involved a reversal. The demands for speed and accuracy of performance of the first segment were constant with performance objectives of the second and the third segments of the task varied across three instruction conditions. The three-dimensional movement of the stylus was recorded by two WATSMART cameras. The averaged movement time, the time of peak velocity in the X dimension, the time of peak negative velocity in the Z dimension, and the time of zero velocity of the entire movement significantly increased with increased demands for accuracy, while the peak velocity in either the X or Z dimension increased with increased demands for speed for the varied instruction portions of the task across the three instruction conditions. In addition, the average value of peak velocity in the X dimension, the time of peak velocity in the Z dimension across the three segments and the three instruction conditions were less in the reversal movement condition than that in the uni-directional movement condition. As we expected, the average MT, the time of peak velocity in the X and Z dimensions, the time of peak negative velocity in the Z dimension, and the time of zero velocity in the Z dimension of the first segment increased with incresed demands for accuracy for the second and the third segments. The mean value of peak velocity in the X dimension, the mean value of peak positive and negative velocity in the Z dimension of the fist segment in either reversed or non-reversed movement condition decreased with increased demands for accuracy across the three instruction conditions. The findings suggest that the execution of the whole rapid sequential movement was affected by varying both instructions to the subjects ans movement reversals. These results lead to the inference that either uni-directional or reversal movements are governed as a single unit, rather than each segment governed separately.
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The Effect of Ski Simulator Learning on Coordinative Structure of Body Segments 스포츠 심리학 : 스키 동작의 학습이 신체분절의 협응구조에 미치는 영향
37(1) 133-144, 1998
The Effect of Ski Simulator Learning on Coordinative Structure of Body Segments 스포츠 심리학 : 스키 동작의 학습이 신체분절의 협응구조에 미치는 영향
The effective coordination of body segments which the learning process of motor skill is accomplished by synergy within many body segments. This study was designed to examine the effect of ski simulator learning on coordinative structure of body segments. Five males volunteered as subjects. None of them had previous experience with skiing or the ski apparatus. Each subject practiced for a total of 100 trials of 1-min, divided over 5 consecutive days. Kinematics were recorded from a total of 11 LEDs; 1 attached to the platform and 10 to the subject`s body. The latter were placed on both shoulders, the hips, knees, the ankles, and the tips of the shoes. The following angles were derived from both the right and the left side of the body; hip angles, that is, angles between upper body(from shoulder LED to hip LED) and upper legs(from hip LED to knee LED); knee angles, that is angles between upper legs and lower legs(from knee LED to ankle LED); and ankle angles, that is, angles between lower legs and feet(from ankle LED to the LED on the tip of the shoe). Also, In this study, learning was indexed by changes in the kinematics of the movement of the platform, that is, its amplitude and frequency. Results showed that the average amplitude over subjects increased over trials. And an increase in activity was observed later in practice, when the ranges of joint movement and the standard deviations around the mean joint angle increased. Especially, the knee angle standard deviation was, overall, higher than those of the hip and the ankle angles. Inspection of individual cross-correlation patterns over the practice period revealed that the correlations remained low with practice, indicating that the freezing of the degrees of freedom within body segments.
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Effects of Pyruvate Supplementation and Exercise Training on Body Composition of Obese Zucker Rats
Kang Ho-youl
37(1) 147-160, 1998
Effects of Pyruvate Supplementation and Exercise Training on Body Composition of Obese Zucker Rats
Kang Ho-youl
The effects of exercise training, pyruvate supplementation, and the combination of these two treatments were examined on body composition of obese (fa/fa) Zucker rats. Obese rats were randomly assigned to one of the following groups: control diet (Con), control diet/training (Con-Tr), pyruvate diet (Pyr), or pyruvate diet/training (Pyr-Tr). The control diet consisted of 22.0% protein, 12.2% fat, and 65.8% carbohydrate. The pyruvate diet was the same as the control diet except Ca^(++)-pyruvate was substituted for 6.3% of the carbohydrate (dextrose). Training consisted of treadmill running 5 intervals of 18 min duration at a speed of 22 m/min 5 days per week for 8 weeks. Daily food consumption and weight change were recorded for the entire experimental period to determine calorie-conversion efficiency. After 5 weeks of treatment, plasma lipids were measured, followed a week later by expired gas analysis from which resting VO₂, respiratory exchange ratio (RER), and caloric expenditure were determined. In the last week of experimentation, liver glycogen and triglyceride concentrations were measured and body composition was analyzed by both carcass analysis and EM SCAN (electromagnetic impedance). Pyr and Pyr-Tr rats exhibited less weight gain and lower calorie-conversion efficiency relative to Con rats. Liver triglyceride concentrations in Pyr and Pyr-Tr rats were almost 2-fold greater than Con and Con-Tr rats. Pyr and Pyr-Tr rats had significantly lower plasma triglyceride levels than Con and Con-Tr rats, but significantly greater plasma total and HDL cholesterol concentrations. Resting VO₂ (㎖/min/㎏ and ㎖/min/㎏FFM) was significantly greater in Con-Tr rats than Con, Pyr, or Pyr-Tr rats. Basal caloric expenditure (㎉/min/㎏) was significantly greater in Con-Tr (0.064 0.008 ㎉/min/㎏), Pyr (0.060±0.007 ㎉/min/㎏), and Pyr-Tr (0.061±0.008 ㎉/min/㎏) rats than Con rats (0.057±0.012 ㎉/min/㎏). Pyr rats had significantly lowered RER values than Con rats. Relative body fat in Pyr rats (44.3±0.8 %) was slightly greater than that in Con rats (42.5±1.0 %), whereas Con-Tr rats (38.6±0.9 %) had significantly lower percent of body fat than Con rats (42.5±1.0 %). In addition, Pyr rats had significantly greater percent body fat that Pyr-Tr rats (41.1±0.4 %) which was not significantly different from those of Con and Con-Tr. These results suggest that pyruvate supplementation causes some metabolic alterations associated with fat reduction, but does not alter the body composition unlike high intensive exercise training.
The Influences of Energy Consumption on Obesity and Physical Fitness 스포츠 생리학 : 아동기의 비만요인이 비만 및 체력에 미치는 영향
고선혜KoSun-Hye , 유활란YuHwal-Ran
37(1) 161-172, 1998
The Influences of Energy Consumption on Obesity and Physical Fitness 스포츠 생리학 : 아동기의 비만요인이 비만 및 체력에 미치는 영향
고선혜KoSun-Hye , 유활란YuHwal-Ran
The purpose of this study is to find influence factors of obesity and how obesity rate and obesity factors affect physical fitness, by investigating some predictable factors of affecting the obesity of Children in 5th and 6th grades, such as total daily energy consumption, energy consumption type, total daily ingestion, engery intake and residence types.
The subjects of this study were 132 male students and 129 male student in Seoul`s pravate schools, and they were divider into low weight, normal weight, and overweight, and obese by the measurement of obesity with the bioimpidence method. Residence types, total daily energy consumption, consumption types, and physical fitness tests(flexibility, speed, power, muscular strength, muscular endurace, and the cardiovascular edurance) were examined and done through questionnaires, from May. 10, 1997 to April. 10, 1997.
For data analysis, statistical analyses done in this study are Multiple regression Analysis, and simple regression analysis.
The results of this study are as follows.
1. The inflence of obesity was energy consumption in both men and women, and Women(18.45%.) were more affected by that than men(15.01%).
2. Affecting factors of obesity were speed, power, muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance and obesity rate affected them commonly. That is, obese people have lower speed, power, muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance than others who are not.
Generalizing the results, the direct cause of obesity is total daily energy consumption rather than total daily ingestion. Also, the most effective factors of influencing physical fitness turned out to be obesity rate, and obese people have low physical fitness compared to others, and, especially, it affects speed, power, muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance.
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The Effect of Bicycle Crank-Length Variation upon Anaerobic Power Output During Cycle Ergometer Exercise 스포츠 생리학 : 사이클 크랭크 길이가 무산소성 파워에 미치는 영향
37(1) 173-181, 1998
The Effect of Bicycle Crank-Length Variation upon Anaerobic Power Output During Cycle Ergometer Exercise 스포츠 생리학 : 사이클 크랭크 길이가 무산소성 파워에 미치는 영향
The purpose of the present study was to define the optimal bicycle crank length (CL) for eliciting maximal leg power output during a 30s power test (Wingate Anaerobic Test). 17 mak students 22-27 years old (8 male physical education students and 9 professional cyclists) served as subjects for this study. In each of the five sessions the test was administered on a mechanically braked cycle ergometer (Monark 818) modified by a crank slider-assembly which permitted continuous crank length adjustment. Five evenly spaced CLs, ranging from 165 to 175mm, were used. The measured variables were total power(TP), mean power(MP), and peak power(PP). Repeated measures ANOVA revealed that cycle crank length did not change(p>.05) significantly in TP, MP, PP values, in athlete group and control group. It is concluded that the variation of crank lengths is of no effect on maximal leg power output during anaerobic heavy cycle exercise.
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Studies on the Function and Structure of Rat Gastrocnemius Muscle acording to Rotatory Motion by Wheeling Activity Model 스포츠 생리학 : Wheeling Activity Model 에 의한 운동부하가 흰쥐 비복근의 수축기능과 구조에 미치는 영향
37(1) 182-192, 1998
Studies on the Function and Structure of Rat Gastrocnemius Muscle acording to Rotatory Motion by Wheeling Activity Model 스포츠 생리학 : Wheeling Activity Model 에 의한 운동부하가 흰쥐 비복근의 수축기능과 구조에 미치는 영향
This study was designed to evaluate the mechanical properties of contraction, nucleolar organizer region(NOR) associated protein by means of silver colloid staining and muscle fiber types in sections stained for SDH and PAS in the gastrocnemius muscle loaded with rotatory motion by DJ 4008 model.
Ten Sprague-Dawley adult male rat (150-200g) were divided into control and experimental group which were trained with 1,000 rotation(680m) for 15days. Body weigh and muscle weight were measured at pre-rotation and 15days. Mechanical properties of contration in the medial gastrocnemius muscle were measured by means of polygraph. Gastrocnemius muscle were immediately removed, immersed in fixatives or cryocut, processed with routine method for light microscopic study. Paraffin section were stained with silver colloid and PAS. Frozen section were stained with SDH.
The results were as follow;
1. Body weight were significantly decreased in experimental group compared with control group, but muscle weight were significantly increased in experimental group compared with control group.
2. Contraction time was increased in experimental group and maximum twich time or maximum tetanic time were significantly increased in experimental group.
3. After rotatory motion, the mean number of Ag-NORs per nucleus were increased in experimental group and one Ag-NORs per nucleus were significantly decreased, but two Ag-NORs per nucleus were significantly increased in experimental group.
4. In muscle fiber types, red fiber were a tendency to increased, but white fiber and intermediate type were a tendency to decreased in experimental group.
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Correlation between Anaerobic Capacity and Anaerobic Reserve in Men and Women 스포츠 생리학 : 성인 남녀의 무산소성 운동능력과 무산소성 예비량의 상관관계
37(1) 193-200, 1998
Correlation between Anaerobic Capacity and Anaerobic Reserve in Men and Women 스포츠 생리학 : 성인 남녀의 무산소성 운동능력과 무산소성 예비량의 상관관계
The purpose of the study was to investigate correlation between anaerobic capacity(AC) from Wingate test and anaerobic reserve(AR) from Critical Power test. Both tests were administered to 10 men and 10 women on a Monark cycle ergometer. The results showed that men were 12%(J/㎏) higher than women for the Wingate test, and 10%(J/㎏) higher for the Critical Power test. There was a significant correlation between AC and AR(J/㎏) in women(r=0.84, p<0.05), but no significant correlation in men(r=0.30, p>0.05). ANCOVA analyses using VO₂max and body weight as covariates had no significant effect on the AC gender difference, but significant effect on the AR gender difference. The study provides preliminary data on gender differences.
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The Contribution of Low Limb Segments to Final Foot Velocity in Soccer Instep Kick 역학 : 축구 인스텝슛시 신체분절의 최종 발속도에 대한 기여도
오정환OhJeung-Whan , 김승권KimSeung-Kwon
37(1) 203-211, 1998
The Contribution of Low Limb Segments to Final Foot Velocity in Soccer Instep Kick 역학 : 축구 인스텝슛시 신체분절의 최종 발속도에 대한 기여도
오정환OhJeung-Whan , 김승권KimSeung-Kwon
Eight soccer player`s instep kicks were analyzed to find the influence of variables on the final foot velocity using a three dimensional cinematographic method. The variables studied were the time taken and foot velocity of each section, and the contribution rate of each segment to the final foot velocity.
The magnitude and steady increase of the rotaional velocity of thigh, leg and upper extremities showed the main contributions to the final foot velocity while the rotational velocity of the trunk and foot segment showed no contribution. The order of contribution of rotational velocity to the final foot velocity at impact were thigh, leg, upper extremities, foot and trunk. Finally, the rotational velocity of the thigh, leg and trunk extremities should be controlled and increased to increase the accuracy and the final velocity of the foot. The fluent pattern of movement, transferred from the proximal to distal segment, is also thought to be very important to increase the final foot velocity and the efficiency of the instep kick. The use of video filming shoud be developed for the accurate analysis.
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Comparison of the Inverse Dynamics Functions for the Kinetic Analysis 역학 : 운동역학적 분석에 쓰이는 두가지 Inverse Dynamics 함수의 비교연구
A full understanding of the cause - effect mechanics that produce any body motion requires the use of a model to link the kinematics of that motion with the kinetic factors responsible for it. This can be achieved in part by using an inverse dynamics approach to compute the net joint forces and torques exerted on a segment by the segments adjacent to it. Generally two kinds of inverse dynamics have been used for the kinetics analysis. One is "the force-mass- acceleration" methods and the other is "the motion dependent interaction" methods. These two methods applied to Taekwondo front kick skill to clarify the functions and to compare the results. Basically the two functions derived from the Newton`s dynamics equations. "The motion dependent interaction" method used the partitioned acceleration of the mass center of the each segment, while the classic "force-mass-acceleration" method used the acceleration of the mass center of the each segment from the film data. The accelerations of the two methods showed as much differences as the calculation performed to the distal segment. It was advisable that if we analize multi-segments interaction we have to be careful to interpret the results.
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Physical Education Curriculum Influenced by Value Orientation - Physical Education Teachers in Seoul Area - 스포츠 교육학 : 체육 교과과정 결정에 따른 가치정향에 관한 연구 - 수도권 체육교사 중심으로 -
정의권ChungEui-Kwun , 이진희LeeJin-Hee
37(1) 225-232, 1998
Physical Education Curriculum Influenced by Value Orientation - Physical Education Teachers in Seoul Area - 스포츠 교육학 : 체육 교과과정 결정에 따른 가치정향에 관한 연구 - 수도권 체육교사 중심으로 -
정의권ChungEui-Kwun , 이진희LeeJin-Hee
It is generally agreed that beliefs and values play in the decisions for teaching and developing curriculum that teachers make. However, little is known about from the research how teacher`s value profiles develop. The purpose of this study was to determine the educational value orientation of a group of physical education experienced in-service teachers in Seoul and in its vicinity.
Value profiles were assessed using the value orientations inventory developed by Fauns & Hooper(1988). The results indicated that no significant change over all of the categories in the value orientations had been occurred by the teachers even though they had additional teacher training with getting a master degree.
However, it was found that there was a difference between teachers in some categories of value orientations in terms of the type of school graduated and the level of school taught. The result of this study demonstrate the importance of understanding the value structures with which experienced in-service teachers deal with their teaching and running programs in physical education at secondary schools.
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A Study on the Development of Physical Education National Standards for the Criterion-Referenced Evaluation for the Tenth Grade 스포츠 교육학 : 고등학교 체육 Ⅰ 국가공통 절대평가기준 개발 연구
37(1) 233-243, 1998
A Study on the Development of Physical Education National Standards for the Criterion-Referenced Evaluation for the Tenth Grade 스포츠 교육학 : 고등학교 체육 Ⅰ 국가공통 절대평가기준 개발 연구
The purpose of this study is to develop educational standards of physical education at the national level for implementing criterion-referenced evaluation for the tenth grade students in 2000. Many countries introducing educational reform have tried to revise their educational evaluation programs in order to improve the overall quality of education. Recently, the Ministry of Education in the Republic of Korea began to pay attention to educational evaluation to improve the quality of education. Some examples and attempts such as alternative forms of school records to secondary schools are introduced. The establishment of physical education evaluation standards can help school teachers and students to achieve the nation’s educational goal and improve the quality of education. The physical education national standards composed of performance and assessment standards need to be modified continuously through field applications.
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The Strategy of Using sport Events for Community Development of Local Autonomous Entities 스포츠행정 경영 : 지방자치단체의 지역사회 개발을 위한 스포츠 이벤트의 활용 전략
김경용KimKyung-Yong , 박용범ParkYong-Bum
37(1) 247-261, 1998
The Strategy of Using sport Events for Community Development of Local Autonomous Entities 스포츠행정 경영 : 지방자치단체의 지역사회 개발을 위한 스포츠 이벤트의 활용 전략
김경용KimKyung-Yong , 박용범ParkYong-Bum
The purpose of this study was to offer basic materials for physical education administration of communities by researching and analyzing influences of sport events on communities and its role and function in community development. Therefore, the definition and influences of community development and sport events were studied. The followings are the results from the study of the strategy of using sport events and its improvement plans.
1. Most of the sport events for participating took place in communities are standardized as athletic meetings and events for form's sake. Therefore, it is necessary to change programs constantly considering tastes of residents.
2. It is necessary to analyze and examine the properties of the community fully, and differentiated creative development is needed in holding sport events of each local autonomous entity for community development.
3. In a system keeping organizations and facilities in order is required and in particular it is essential to secure experts taking responsibility of the field of sport events business.
4. Publicity strategy through various media, making the participation of volunteers greatest and making souvenirs, is necessary for constant effects of sport events.
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A Study on the Strategy of Making Golf Popular 스포츠행정 경영 : 골프대중화 전략에 관한 연구
37(1) 262-271, 1998
A Study on the Strategy of Making Golf Popular 스포츠행정 경영 : 골프대중화 전략에 관한 연구
During the 5-year period of the 1st civilan government of Korea, golf has enjoyed both the people’s love and hatred. In particular, its population outnumbered that of professional baseball, the No. 1 spectator sport of Koreans. This study was taken in order to make some proposals for making golf popular as a way of softening some negative viewpoints of the sport and recommending a healthy kind of leisure activity. The following are the results :
1. The golf goods industry should be promoted in its development and production to make quality domestic goods.
2. Enough golf courses should be secured to meet the increasing demand of golf fans in perfect harmony with the balanced plan of developing national land.
3. Golf-concerned regulations should be compensated and flexibly applied.
4. Golf courses should have some accommodation facilities for the people to have fun overnight.
5. Efficient management of golf dub facilities should be pursued through proper mechanization and automation.
6. The environmental vigilance system for every golf course should be strengthened for desirable national consensus.
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Assessment of Health-Related Physical Fitness in Middle-Aged Men : Application of Discriminant Function Analysis 체육측정평가 : 성인 남성의 건강체력수준의 평가: 판별분석의 적용
The purposes of this study were; 1) to discriminate the three different groups categorized by physical health status and physical activity level using discriminant function analysis, 2) to examine the degree of relationship between physical health status and physical fitness and the contribution of each element of physical fitness to the physical health status of middle-aged men. This study was achieved by classifying the original subject pool into three different experimental subgroups based on physical examination results and self-reported activity levels; a normal group (I), a regularly exercise group (II), and an obese group (III). The health status was assessed by physicians. Physical fitness tasks were selected from health-related physical fitness components; maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max; X1), grip strength (X2), body fat (X2), and trunk flexion from a standing position (X4). Discriminant function analysis was applied to determine if the selected physical fitness tasks were sensitive to differentiate among the three groups and successfully classify individual in the appropriate physical activity levels and physical health status. Correct discriminant probabilities of multiple discriminant functions to discriminate the I, II,and III group were 86.6%. These results suggested that there was a relatively strong relationship between physical health status and the level of physical fitness. The contribution of each element of physical fitness to physical health status was evaluated by correlation between the discriminant score representing physical health status, and performance on each element of the physical fitness test. It was concluded that discriminant function provided a valid model for evaluating differences among the three different physical health status and physical activity levels. Therefore, our data suggests that commonly used measures of health-related physical fitness can be utilized as a valid index of physical health status in exercise and health science.
Key Words
health-related physical fitness, discriminant function analysis, middle-aged
A Study of Determination of Cutting Scores in Criterion-Referenced Measure for Bowling 체육측정평가 : 볼링 수업의 절대평가 기준을 위한 연구
37(1) 283-289, 1998
A Study of Determination of Cutting Scores in Criterion-Referenced Measure for Bowling 체육측정평가 : 볼링 수업의 절대평가 기준을 위한 연구
The purpose of this study was to establish criterion-referenced standards for bowling class in college as physical education skill for male and female students. The bowling games at first and 16th week were administered to equal numbers of uninstructed and instructed college female(N=150) and male(N=268) to generate data for the analysis. The criterion group method(Berk, 1976) yeiled the following criterion cutoff scores that classified college female and male as instructed and uninstructed on the basis of bowing class; female was score of 82,male was score of 120.
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A Reearch on the Analysis of Contribution of Win-Lost Factor in the '97 Professional Basketball Game 체육측정평가 : FILA 배 '97 프로 농구 경기의 승·패 요인 분석
The result of the analysis of The ’97 professional basketball game are as follow:
1. The most important factor for the game result was DR
2. The other factor can be ordered by the importancy for the game result were 3P, TO, PF, ST, A, FG.
3. The accuracy rate of the game result predic the above 10 factors analysis was shown 79.8%.
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The Purpose of This Article is to Review a Historical Changes of the Pogurag on the Basis of Literary Sources as the Koryosa(高麗史), or History of Koryo the Akhak Kwebeom(樂學軌範), or Standard Music Book of the Yi Dynasty, and the Jeongjae Moodo Holgi(呈才 舞 圖 笏記) or Manuscript of Court Dance Choreography 무용 : 당락정재(唐樂呈才) 포구락(抛毬樂)에 대한 고찰(考察)
37(1) 301-312, 1998
The Purpose of This Article is to Review a Historical Changes of the Pogurag on the Basis of Literary Sources as the Koryosa(高麗史), or History of Koryo the Akhak Kwebeom(樂學軌範), or Standard Music Book of the Yi Dynasty, and the Jeongjae Moodo Holgi(呈才 舞 圖 笏記) or Manuscript of Court Dance Choreography 무용 : 당락정재(唐樂呈才) 포구락(抛毬樂)에 대한 고찰(考察)
The summary of this review is as followings:
1. Pogurag is the dance that a play dance popular during Dang Dynasty in China was handed down to Song Dynasty in China. It can be seen that Pogurag in Koryo Dynasty is the Jeongjae handed down from a play within the "Kamuhi" that was transmitted from Dang Dynasty in China.
2. As there is a record that Pogurag was introduced by Kyobang Kisaeng, Cho Yong at the time of Palkwanhoi (a kind of party) in November in the twenty-seventh ruling year of King Mun Jong of Koryo Dynasty. Chinju Pogurag is a dance that Court Pogurag became a folk dance in Chinju Kwonbon after being introduced to Chinju Kwan-A (local governor`s office).
3. As a result of detailed consideration on Pogurag, its accompaniment music shown in the Akhakkwebeom (a musical book) was similar to that of the Koryo Dynasty but simply performed in the forms such as Cheolhwasamdae, Sopoguragyoung and Suryongeumyoung with repeated parts omitted. Since then, Dang-ak (Chinese music) has gradually become Hyang-ak (Korean music), and therefore Hyangdang Kyoju has been consistently used as the accompaniment music. However, Chinju Pogurag was more simplified by Se ryong san, Taryong and Cha jin ta ryong than Court Pogurag.
4. For Kuho Ch`io (female singing) and Changsa (narration), the one has been handed down until now but the other has become fewer in frequency to avoid repeat of the same song. In Chinju Pogurag, `Chi hwa ja` has been sung.
5. As seen from a record of Akhakkwebeom that when Pogu is put into Poongyou a prize or flower is given but, if not, a face is smeared with Chinese ink, Pogurag is the Jeongjae or a court dance similar to playing ball. On the other hand, Chinju Pogurag is the synthetic art which was composed of musical instrument, song, dance and drama, and it has an animation because playing ball is shown in the practical dance but the movement of dance is heavy, pure and interesting.
6. Pogurag is a dance with being surrounded by leading dancers, Jukganja and a line of people with things in their hand to make Chong chae splendid and diverse, and has come down without remarkable change except for decoration and number of the things.